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Can a Dentist Help You Have a Healthier Pregnancy? You Bet!

July 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 2:30 pm
Woman making a heart shape over stomach during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an incredibly special time that’s filled with anticipation and joy. It’s also a busy time when mothers have to think about everything from their diet and lifestyle to how they want to decorate the nursery. But did you know how important it is for pregnant women to focus on their oral health as well? Many people are surprised to learn that pregnancy can have such a big impact on a mother’s teeth and gums! Keep reading to learn about the common dental problems that can arise during pregnancy and how seeing a dentist for routine care can help.


How Is Chewing on Ice Bad for Your Teeth?

June 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 8:21 pm
close-up of woman eating an ice cube

An ice-cold beverage is a refreshing way to cool down during the hot summer months. After finishing a drink, it’s common for people to mindlessly munch through their leftover ice cubes. Unfortunately, this habit is not as harmless as it seems. Chewing on ice can damage your teeth, enamel, and gums, leading to serious dental problems.

You’ve probably been told to break the habit for the sake of your oral health, but are you having a difficult time doing so? Read along to find out how eating ice can harm your smile and a few alternatives so you can safely get your fix.


Are Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products a Good Idea?

April 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 10:38 pm
Woman after teeth whitening

Are you looking to brighten up your smile? One of the best things about living in today’s world is the fact that you don’t need to settle for a smile that you aren’t confident showing off. Discoloration occurs naturally over time, but it is still a trait that many people find themselves insecure of. You have several different teeth whitening options out there to choose from, but over-the-counter whitening kits aren’t usually your best bet. Continue reading to learn about some of the harms of store-bought whitening kits and a safer, more effective alternative.


Why & How You Should Be Celebrating Dental Assistant Recognition Week

March 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 2:33 pm
Thank you card and envelope on table with greenery

When you visit your dentist for your dental checkup and cleaning, restorative care, or to upgrade your smile with cosmetic dentistry, you probably don’t think twice about the important role your dental assistant plays. However, they are hard at work before you even arrive and long after you’re gone, which is why celebrating Dental Assistant Recognition Week is so important! To learn about some of their essential responsibilities and how you can show your appreciation for these teeth-saving pros, keep reading!


How Long Will Your Dental Crown Last?

February 26, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 6:37 pm
dental crowns in charlottesville

If you have gone through the process of receiving dental crowns, then you know you want them to last as long as possible. Your teeth work really hard for you, and your crowns are put under a lot of pressure daily. The great news is, there are steps you can take to lengthen the time that they will last. Keep reading to learn some helpful tips that your Charlottesville dentist shares about how to keep your dental crowns in great condition.


How COVID-19 Made Mouthwash Even More Important

May 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 3:00 pm
Patient uses mouthwash before visiting a dentist in Charlottesville.

When you think about the tools people are using to protect those around them from COVID-19, images of face masks and hand sanitizers are usually the first things that come to mind. However, before the next visit to your dentist in Charlottesville, you may be asked by your dentist to use one more thing to keep everyone in the office safe: mouthwash. Read on to find out how this ordinary item has the power to protect you and your dental team from getting sick.


How Dentists Ensure Safe Urgent Dental Care During COVID-19

April 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 7:05 pm
A woman smiling before visiting a dentist in Charlottesville.

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, you might think that you should simply put off your appointment because of the current pandemic. However, dental issues (especially urgent ones) will not get better on their own. Even though dental practices are largely closed for non-essential services, they understand how important it is to address dental emergencies when they appear. Once you learn how a dentist in Charlottesville is practicing some of the most advanced sanitization protocols possible, you’ll feel far more comfortable completing your next emergency visit.


Celebrate National Nutrition Month in Charlottesville by Doing This!

March 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 9:37 pm
woman eating salad for National Nutrition Month in Charlottesville

There’s more to maintaining your oral health than just brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis. The foods you eat also play an important role. Thus, National Nutrition Month in Charlottesville is an excellent time to upgrade your food intake so you can have healthy teeth and gums and an attractive smile for years to come. Read on to get some key tips for what you can do in the month of March and beyond!


How Regular Dental Checkups Can Prevent Heart Disease

February 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 1:55 pm
love heart next to stethoscope

Everyone knows that getting regular exercise and eating lots of fruits and vegetables are great ways to keep your heart in good shape. But did you know that attending your regular six-month dental checkups can also prevent heart disease? This is because the health of your mouth is strongly linked to your heart health. Since February is American Heart Month in Charlottesville, now is the perfect time to talk about this connection. Keep reading to learn how seeing your dentist twice a year could end up saving your life!


Should You Get Crowns or Dental Implants to Replace Your Missing Teeth?

January 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 9:22 pm
close up man with missing teeth in Charlottesville

Like millions of Americans, you’re missing a few teeth. This problem has interfered with your quality of life for far too long, and you’re getting sick and tired of it. Modern dentistry has come a long way in developing several options for filling the gaps in your smile. On the other hand, this can make it a bit hard to choose. Should you go with a crown and bridge, or dental implants in Charlottesville? Keep reading as we discuss the pros and cons of both options.

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