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Resolve to Improve Your Oral Health in 2025

January 16, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlippard @ 2:38 pm
A woman brushing her teeth

Each year, approximately 30 percent of Americans make new year’s resolutions, and of people, a whopping 80 percent choose to focus on improving their health. If you’re looking for meaningful ways to look and feel better in 2025, why not start with your oral health? Not sure where to begin? Here are five easy ways to improve your oral and overall wellness and make this your best year ever!

Improve Your Diet

Eating a healthy diet isn’t just good for your heart and waistline. It’s also great for your teeth and gums. That’s because oral bacteria thrive in environments with lots of sugar and carbohydrates, so when your diet consists heavily of this type of food, it can easily increase your risk of cavities and gum disease. Thus, to safeguard your smile, stick to a diet rich in lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats like nuts and seeds.

Be a Quitter

While quitting smoking is easier said than done, it is important to do so if you want to improve your health. Whether you’re a cigarette smoker, tobacco chewer, or even if you use an e-cigarette or vape, you are increasing your risk of bad breath, gum disease, and oral cancer.

Don’t Drink to That

While an occasional alcoholic beverage probably won’t harm your oral health, studies have found that if you consume four or more glasses in one sitting, it will increase your risk of gum disease. Not only that, but if you smoke and drink together, you are statistically less likely to brush and floss your teeth regularly, which increases your risk of developing cavities, decay, and gum disease. Therefore, if you do indulge in the occasional glass alcohol, limit the amount, and be sure to brush well when you’re done.

Clean it Up

Taking excellent care of your teeth and gums is essential to protecting not just your oral health, but your overall health too. This helps lower your risk of cavities and gum disease, but it also can help safeguard you from a variety of illnesses ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, be sure to follow a solid hygiene routine that includes brushing twice a day and flossing once a day.

Make Oral Health Care a Priority

Finally, just because your teeth and gums look okay doesn’t mean they don’t need regular cleanings and exams from your dentist. The ADA recommends you visit twice a year, and if you’ve got dental insurance, most plans cover two visits annually.

Not only will your dentist get your teeth cleaner than you can at home, but they will also keep an eye on potential problems, offer treatment options to correct any current issues, and provide valuable oral cancer screenings that could potentially save your life!

Remember, if your goal this year is to stay healthy, a great place to start is with your mouth. This year, make a commitment to protect your oral health and you’ll enjoy the many benefits to your entire body that follow!

About Dr. Lippard

Dr. Hal Lippard grew up around dentists, including his own uncle. That taught him from an early age not just how to care for his own teeth and gums, but also the power of excellent oral health. Today, Dr. Hal is proud to help generations of Charlottesville patients improve their own smiles and live their best lives. To schedule your own biannual exam and cleaning, please feel free to visit our website, or call us today at 434-293-9311.

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